This introductory class provides the student with a comprehensive exploration of the psychological trauma field, including the history and current theories in the field, the nature of trauma (sexual abuse, combat, and natural disasters), how trauma affects individuals and systems, grief reactions, and traumatic stress. Also included in this class, is the exploration of the professional’s response to trauma, vicarious traumatization, disenfranchised grief, crisis intervention, comorbid disorders and general treatment issues. Finally, students have the chance to review evidence-based practices in the trauma field.
A variety of theoretical frameworks are presented, including cognitive, neurobiological, clinical, and socio-cultural (including main controversies surrounding the field of trauma). The instructor uses a culturally-informed perspective to teach the class.
This course examines various clinical populations from the perspectives of pathology, sociocultural values and norms, developmental behavior, and the specific challenges they bring to the drama therapy setting. Populations discussed include children, adolescents, elderly people, and adults with post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, affective disorder, and substance abuse.
The Center for Creative Arts Therapy is approved as a continuing education provider for Social Workers and Counselors by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, Approved Continuing Education Sponsor, (#159.001383).
This workshop provides 45 CEUs for Social Workers and Counselors and 3 credit hours for Drama Therapy and Expressive Arts Therapy students.
Drama Therapy with Special Populations: Trauma & Resilience
(3 credits) Monday-Friday, June 21st-25th, 2021, 9:00AM-5:30PM & Friday, June 25th 7:00PM-10:00PM (Performance), 4336 Saratoga Avenue, 2nd Floor, Downers Grove, IL 60515 at the Center for Creative Arts Therapy, 4336 Saratoga Ave., 2nd Floor, Downers Grove, IL 60515